1. Read a good book—check out my books list.
2. Go on a hike.
3. Draw or do crafts. So fun!
4. Write a short story.
5. Karaoke. Who cares if you sound bad?
6. Go on a run. It’s also good for your mental health, physical health, and you get your exercise in!
7. Practice cool tricks outside. My brother does this all the time, and he even has a YouTube channel for it—check out Monkey Jams and subscribe to it!
8. Cook. I have a few recipes on my blog that you can check out.
9. Make up a fun dance.
10. Go on a hike. It has the same benefits as running, but there are also so many beautiful places to hike. Mountains, woods, even in your own backyard!
11. Watch a movie.
12. Play a game.
13. Make a website. That’s what I’m doing now.
Have good ideas? Comment them down below and I will put them here and give you a shoutout!