30 May

These yummy ingredients mix together to create the perfect pancake.
If you want to do it on a skillet, set the stove to maximum 4. 

Ingredients (Makes about 4-6 pancakes, but I usually double the recipe. This is not doubled!!!)

1 cup of flour

1 tbsp of sugar

1 tsp of baking powder

1/2 tsp HEAPING baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg

1 cup of milk

2 tbsp of vegetable oil. If you do not have this, it might be fine to use mostly melted butter.

1 tsp of vanilla (optional)

A sprinkle of spice (optional)


Whisk or spatula

Large bowl

Small bowl to crack the egg in (you don’t necessarily need this)

Griddle (preheat to 350)

Measuring cups and spoons

1. In a large bowl, mix all of the dry ingredients with a whisk. Spice is optional. I do it to add a little flavor to the pancakes. Usually, I add nutmeg or cinnamon, but if you don’t have those than pumpkin spice tastes great, too. Set the dry mix aside.

1. In a large bowl, mix all of the dry ingredients with a whisk. Spice is optional. I do it to add a little flavor to the pancakes. Usually, I add nutmeg or cinnamon, but if you don’t have those than pumpkin spice tastes great, too. Set the dry mix aside.

2. Crack the eggs in a separate very small bowl. if there are no shells, put in the bowl with the dry ingredients. Whisk together egg, oil, and milk. Add vanilla if you want.
3. Set the griddle to 350 degrees F. Then once you feel that it’s warm, spray it with cooking oil spray ( canola preferred), or butter. 

4. Pour pancake batter on griddle, to desired size. Flip when it bubbles on the top. Repeat This step until all pancakes are done. Serving size: 1 pancake

5. Drizzle honey, whip cream, peanut butter, butter, syrup, or any other condiments you would like to enjoy with this delicious pancake.

Contact me if you would like to share any other yummy recipes. I will give you credit! Comment if this needs something more or is Good the way it is! 

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